Лучшие стратегии пассивного дохода от криптовалют
Лучшие стратегии пассивного дохода от криптовалют
16 Окт, 2020
Лучшие стратегии пассивного дохода от криптовалют 2

Why is crypto an excellent opportunity for passive income? There are many reasons! One of the best ways to generate passive income through digital assets is by staking rewards, farming rewards, and liquidity mining. 

In this blog post, we will explore each of these strategies in more detail. We will also look at decentralized and centralized lending, mining, and gaming opportunities. By the end of this article, you will better understand how to create crypto passive income and profit from it!

Best Way To Earn Passive Income With Crypto

MethodPotential ReturnsAssociated RisksEase of UseRemarks
StakingHighSlashing, Value FluctuationsModerateRequires a good understanding of staking process
Yield FarmingVery HighImpermanent Loss, Smart Contract RisksLowHigher risk and complexity
LendingModerateDefault RiskEasyPlatforms like BlockFi, Celsius offer this service
Liquidity ProvisionHighImpermanent LossModerateRequires liquidity provision in AMMs
Dividend Earning TokensModerateToken Value FluctuationsEasyHolding tokens that pay dividends
MiningVariableHigh Initial Investment, Electricity CostsModerateRequires suitable hardware and knowledge
MasternodesHighTechnical Setup, Value FluctuationsLowRequires significant setup and maintenance
Real Estate TokensModerateMarket RisksEasyTokenized real estate investment platforms
IDO (Initial DEX Offering)HighMarket Risks, Smart Contract RisksLowParticipation in early-stage project token sales

Crypto passive income strategies offer a great way to earn money and build wealth through crypto. Whether you are staking rewards, farming rewards, or mining for liquidity, there are many different ways to generate passive income in the world of cryptocurrency. 

In this post, we will explore some of the top strategies for earning passive crypto income and discuss the benefits and risks associated with each approach.

One of the most exciting strategies for crypto passive income is staking rewards. This method allows crypto users to earn interest by crypto holdings in a wallet or exchange account. 

Another common strategy is farming rewards, which involves participating in various networks that reward participants for contributing to their growth and development.

Other common strategies for crypto passive income include liquidity mining, decentralized and centralized lending, peer-to-peer lending, margin lending, and play-to-earn games. 

Whether you are looking to generate passive income through cryptocurrency trading or simply hold your coins in a wallet long-term, there is no shortage of options available today. 

So if you are interested in building wealth through crypto passive income, the time is now! Start exploring these strategies and see which one works best for you. You won't regret it!​

Crypto staking rewards

One of the most popular strategies for earning crypto passive income is staking rewards. With this method, users can earn interest by holding certain types of cryptocurrencies in a wallet or exchange account. 

To get started with staking rewards, simply deposit your crypto tokens into an exchange that supports staking, such as Binance or Kucoin. Then, sit back and watch your balance grow as you accrue interest over time!

There are many different types of cryptocurrencies that offer staking rewards to their holders. Some examples include NEO, VeChain Thor (VET), Cosmos (ATOM), Ontology (ONT), Dash, Stratis (STRAT) and more. So if you want to create crypto passive income through staking rewards, plenty of options are available.

Of course, like any investment strategy, staking rewards also come with certain risks. For example, if the exchange or wallet where you hold your crypto tokens is hacked or goes out of business, you risk losing all your staking rewards. 

Additionally, tracking and estimating how much interest you will earn through staking rewards can be difficult.

Despite these risks, many people choose to invest in crypto passive income strategies such as staking because they offer a low-cost way to build wealth over time and help diversify one's portfolio. 

So if you are looking for an exciting new opportunity in the world of cryptocurrency, give staking a try today! You won't be disappointed.​

Crypto farming rewards

Another popular strategy for crypto passive income is farming rewards. With this method, users can earn money by participating in various networks that reward participants for contributing to their growth and development.

One example of a crypto network that offers farming rewards is the Decentraland ecosystem. In Decentraland, users are rewarded with MANA tokens when they build new virtual land plots or complete interesting experiences within the network. 

Other examples of networks that offer crypto farming include Filecoin (FIL), CryptoKitties, Gems, and more.

Like any investing strategy, though, there are certain risks associated with crypto farming as well. For example, if you are participating in an unproven or unstable network, you risk losing your rewards if the network fails. 

Additionally, it can be challenging to estimate how much income you will earn through crypto farming over time, as this depends on many factors, such as the size and activity level of the network.

Despite these risks, many novice traders, investors, and crypto enthusiasts worldwide choose to invest in crypto passive income strategies like farming because they offer a low-cost way to build wealth over time and help diversify one's portfolio. 

So if you are looking for an exciting new opportunity in the world of cryptocurrency, consider giving crypto farming a try today.

Liquidity Mining

Another popular strategy for crypto passive income is liquidity mining. With this method, users earn money by providing liquidity to cryptocurrency markets through the use of various trading bots and algorithms.

There are many different types of crypto platforms that offer liquidity mining, including Bybit Exchange, CryptoBridge DEX, CoinMetro Crypto Exchange, Bitfinex, Bittrex and more. 

To start earning passive income through liquidity mining on these exchanges, simply open an account and deposit your coins or tokens into the platform's order book. 

Then set up your automated trading strategies and watch as you accrue profits over time!

Of course, like any investment strategy in cryptocurrency, there are certain risks associated with liquidity mining as well. For example, if your trading bots are not optimized properly, you run the risk of losing money due to bad trades. 

Additionally, it can be difficult to estimate how much income you will earn through liquidity mining over time, as this depends on many factors, such as volatility and market conditions.

Crypto Lending

Another good strategy choice for crypto passive income is crypto lending. Crypto lending involves borrowing money from an exchange or lender in order to trade and generate profits on a particular market while also paying back the original loan with interest.

There are many different types of crypto platforms that offer crypto lending services, including Bybit Exchange, Celsius Network, CryptoBridge DEX, BlockFi and more. 

To start earning passive income through crypto lending on these exchanges, simply open an account and deposit your coins or tokens into the platform's order book. 

Then you can lend out your funds to other traders who need access to extra capital in order to execute their trading strategies!

Don't forget that, like any investing strategy in cryptocurrency, there are certain risks associated with crypto lending as well. For example, if you are not able to repay your loan on time, you could end up losing money or even having your account closed. 

Additionally, it can be difficult to estimate how much income you will earn through crypto lending over time, as this depends on many factors, such as the interest rates and market conditions of different exchanges.

Decentralized Crypto Lending vs. Centralized Crypto Lending

There are also two different types of crypto lending that investors can choose from: decentralized and centralized.

Decentralized Crypto Lending involves borrowing money from an open network of lenders, such as the Celsius Network or CryptoBridge DEX. This type of crypto lending is peer-to-peer, so you don't have to go through a traditional bank or financial institution to access capital for your trading strategies.

On the other hand, centralized crypto lending involves borrowing money directly from a financial institution or exchange like BlockFi or Bitfinex. In this case, more regulations may be in place, and your funds will be kept with a trusted third party rather than on an open blockchain network.

Both decentralized and centralized crypto lending offer unique advantages and disadvantages, depending on your needs as an investor. 

However, whatever type of crypto lending you choose, you must always research beforehand to ensure that the platform is legitimate and trustworthy.

Peer-to-Peer Crypto Lending vs. Margin Crypto Lending

Another important distinction to make when discussing various types of crypto passive income strategies is between peer-to-peer (PTP) lending versus margin lending.

In peer-to-peer (PTP) crypto lending, investors can lend money directly to other traders to help them execute their trading strategies with access to extra capital. This differs from margin loans, where investors can borrow money directly from an exchange or financial institution.

In terms of advantages and disadvantages, PTP crypto lending tends to offer higher returns on investment than margin loans, but it also comes with more risk. Margin loans are typically backed by the digital assets in your account and may be subject to less volatility, making them a safer option for many investors.

Ultimately, whether you choose peer-to-peer or margin crypto lending is up to you as an investor and will depend on your trading style, risk tolerance level, and other factors. 

Make sure you do your research beforehand and find a platform that offers competitive interest rates for the type of crypto passive income strategy you want to pursue.

About Crypto Mining

Crypto mining is another popular form of passive income in the crypto space. Crypto mining involves using powerful computers to solve complex cryptographic puzzles in order to verify transactions on the blockchain network.

There are many different types of crypto mining strategies that can be pursued, such as traditional proof-of-work (POW) mining, which requires a large amount of computing power and energy consumption, or emerging proof-of-stake (POS) models where users "stake" their coins rather than mine them by running specialized software on their computer hardware.

Regardless of the type of crypto mining you choose to pursue, it is important to do your research beforehand and find a reputable platform with competitive fees and payouts for your desired strategy. 

With the right approach and patience, crypto mining can be a great way to earn passive income in cryptocurrency.

Deposit crypto in DeFi for an APY

Another popular crypto passive income strategy is to deposit your digital assets in a decentralized financial (DeFi) platform like MakerDAO or Compound.

These platforms leverage smart contracts on the blockchain network to offer investors access to competitive interest rates and rewards, often called an "APY" or annual percentage yield.

To take advantage of this type of passive income opportunity, you simply need to deposit your digital assets into these DeFi platforms and set them up for auto-renewal so that they are constantly earning interest without any additional effort on your part.

So if you want to earn passive income through DeFi, it is essential to do your research beforehand and find reputable platforms with high APY rates and reliable security features.

Play-to-Earn Games Passive Income

Another popular crypto assets passive income strategy is to play games that offer rewards or incentives for participating in the platform.

These types of "play-to-earn" games have become increasingly popular as online gaming platforms continue to grow and evolve, and they can be a great way to earn passive income without having to do much work at all.

Of course, it is important to research different play-to-earn game platforms before you choose one to ensure that their terms and conditions are fair and that their payouts are competitive with other similar offerings on the market. 

Nevertheless, with some patience and thoughtful research, you can use play-to-earn games as a valuable source of crypto passive income.

About IDO (Initial DEX Offering) Deals

Another popular crypto assets passive income strategy is to take part in IDO (initial DEX offering) deals.

IDOs are a new type of fundraising mechanism that allows blockchain projects to raise funds by listing their tokens on a decentralized exchange, or DEX, for investors to buy and sell.

These types of initial token offerings can be very lucrative for investors who get in early, as they often offer high returns with minimal effort from the investor's side. 

However, it is important to do your research beforehand and find reputable IDO platforms with competitive fees and payouts before you decide whether this passive income strategy is right for you.


Whether you choose staking rewards, farming rewards, liquidity mining, crypto lending, decentralized and centralized lending, peer-to-peer (PTP) lending, margin lending, or any of the other many different strategies for earning passive income in the crypto space, it is important to do your research beforehand and find reputable platforms with competitive fees and payouts. 

With a bit of patience and some thoughtful research, you can use these strategies as valuable tools for building long-term wealth through passive income in the cryptocurrency market. So if you want to earn passive income through crypto today, why not give one or more of these top strategies a try? The sky is the limit!

We hope you've enjoyed the article. Keep in mind that while reading our BullPerks blog, you can find a lot of useful information about the exciting crypto industry, and learn what is yield farming, transaction fees, how to earn the best crypto passive income, interest-bearing crypto accounts, crypto savings accounts, liquidity pools, crypto market, cloud mining, and so much more.

Would you like to start investing in the most promising crypto projects? Learn how to invest with BullPerks, the fairest and most community-oriented decentralized VC and multichain launchpad!

Disclaimer. This material should not be construed as a basis for making investment decisions or as a recommendation to participate in investment transactions. Trading digital assets may involve significant risks and can result in the loss of invested capital. Therefore, you must ensure that you fully understand the risk involved, consider your level of experience, investment objectives, and seek independent financial advice if necessary.

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