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Business developer
  • Company: BullPerks&GamesPad
  • Format: Remote
  • Employment: Full day OR Freelance
  • Salary: We pay in ELSEVERSE tokens our company
  • Web – https://elseverse.io/
  • BullPerks – https://bullperks.com/
  • GamesPad – https://gamespad.io/
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Influencer marketing manager

About BullPerks
BullPerks is a top decentralized VC and multichain launchpad dedicated to introducing the best-quality projects to its users. The company truly believes that its community should always receive trustworthy information about all deals. The BullPerks team of experts performs rigorous due diligence on all crypto startups to ensure the highest ROI and minimize investment risks for its users.

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Crypto accountant

Want to work for a rapidly growing company that is on the bleeding edge of technology in a tropical and lush location that overlooks the ocean?
Ever wish this was your reality? If so please read on…
BullPerks is a top decentralized VC and multichain launchpad dedicated to introducing the best-quality projects to its users. The company truly believes that its community should always receive trustworthy information about all deals.

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    ¿Cuáles son sus competencias profesionales?

    BullPerks busca personas con talento para unirse a nuestro equipo en una amplia gama de funciones.
    ¿Qué función podría desempeñar en una empresa emprendedora en expansión que está abriendo un nuevo camino en el ecosistema de criptomonedas y activos digitales?