Why Everybody Speak About BTC Halving?
Why Everybody Speak About BTC Halving?
02 Jan, 2024
Why Everybody Speak About BTC Halving? 6

The Bitcoin halving is a significant event in the world of cryptocurrency that attracts a lot of attention and discussion. The term "halving" refers to the reduction of the reward that miners receive for validating and adding new blocks to the blockchain.

In the case of Bitcoin, this reward is cut in half approximately every four years. This feature is coded in the Bitcoin blockchain. It is expected to increase the coin scarcity and thus, the coin value over time.

Why Everybody Speak About BTC Halving? 7

After the last halving that is expected to occur in more than one hundred years, the last coin will be mined. After that, no rewards will be paid for confirming Bitcoin transactions. Miners will get transaction fees only. So, it is expected that the coin price shall grow to a level sufficient for miners to cover all their expenses with transaction fees only.

What Is a Bitcoin Halving Event?

Bitcoin halving event is an event programmed into the Bitcoin protocol that occurs approximately every four years or after every 210,000 blocks have been mined.

Bitcoin halving is an event when Bitcoin mining rewards are cut in half. By cutting the block rewards, the halving reduces the number of new Bitcoins entering the network.

The previous three halvings resulted in fewer new Bitcoin entering circulation and pushed the Bitcoin price up. It happens because the Bitcoin mining rate slows down due to the high cost of not only Bitcoin mining hardware but also additional expenses, and these expenses cannot be compensated anymore with block rewards.

Why Everybody Speak About BTC Halving? 8

Eventually, when Bitcoin supply becomes much lower than demand, Bitcoin's inflation rate slows down until the coin price starts growing.

When Bitcoin's price reaches a level sufficient for miners to cover all their expenses and earn by being compensated with a Bitcoin reward, the new coins supply schedule recovers. Higher prices motivate miners to continue their mining activities, the supply of new coins recovers, and the coin price returns to its normal level which is usually higher than the one of the previous period.

Bitcoin halving is hard-coded into the Bitcoin software. It was created to control the supply of new coins and not let the Bitcoin price plummet.

Another purpose of the halving event is to maintain the coin scarcity. The thing is that the total supply of the coin is limited to 21 million Bitcoins. When miners have the last coin mined, no more Bitcoins will enter circulation. Over time, the currency will become scarcer, demand will grow, and with it, the price of Bitcoins will also increase.

The Bitcoin Halving Impact on the Market and Bitcoin Miners

Bitcoin has a capped supply of 21 million coins. These events are programmed to occur every 210,000 blocks. Each next halving reduces the rate at which new Bitcoins are created.

When the first Bitcoin halving occurred in 2012, the cryptocurrency's price surged. After the first halving, two more halvings occurred, and every time, we observed the same pattern that has already formed Bitcoin's history: when fewer new Bitcoins are mined, prices surge.

This controlled supply is seen by many as a key feature of Bitcoin, contributing to its scarcity and potentially influencing its value. This feature is expected to lead to the Bitcoin price increase over time and keep Bitcoin alive and competitive.

How the Bitcoin halving impacts the market

The reduction in the rate of new Bitcoin issuance can have an impact on the supply and demand dynamics in the market.

Due to the finite supply of Bitcoins, each halving leads to increased scarcity. It, in turn, makes the price of digital money increase. The most recent halving followed the same pattern as the previous ones did. It doesn't guarantee future results in the coin performance but we still expect that the next halving will make the Bitcoin price increase.

Does Bitcoin halving work to increase Bitcoin performance?

Historically, Bitcoin's price has experienced significant volatility around the time of halving. There is often speculation about whether past patterns will repeat themselves, and this generates interest and discussion among traders and investors. And this is why each Bitcoin halving date is a highly anticipated event.

Impact on miners

The halving also has direct implications for Bitcoin miners. When Bitcoin halves, miners receive half the reward for each block they mine. Considering the cost of mining equipment and the processing power needed to mine each new Bitcoin, miners need more money to be reimbursed for their expenses. And as a result, they become less active.

The Bitcoin transactions confirmations slow down, the number of newly mined coins drops, and the price of Bitcoin starts going up. It continues until the Bitcoin price reaches a level sufficient for miners to cover their expenses with mining rewards they get for mined coins.

Historical Bitcoin Network Halving Events

Why Everybody Speak About BTC Halving? 9

The Bitcoin halving dates history looks as follows.

First Halving - November 28, 2012

  • Block height: 210,000
  • Block reward before halving: 50 BTC per block
  • Block reward after halving: 25 BTC per block

Second Halving - July 9, 2016

  • Block height: 420,000
  • Reward before halving: 25 BTC per block
  • Reward after halving: 12.5 BTC per block

Third Halving - May 11, 2020

  • Block height: 630,000
  • Reward before halving: 12.5 BTC per block
  • Reward after halving: 6.25 BTC per block

It's worth noting that the exact date and time of these events can vary slightly due to the decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network and the variability in block time. The halving events are pre-programmed into the Bitcoin protocol based on the block height, ensuring that Bitcoin halvings occur roughly every four years.

The next Bitcoin halving is expected to occur in early-to-mid 2024 (the halving date is not known yet, it will depend on the mining sleep), further reducing the reward to 3.125 BTC per block.

Implications of the Next Bitcoin Halving

Why Everybody Speak About BTC Halving? 10

The implications of the next Bitcoin halving are a subject of speculation and debate within the cryptocommunity. While it's challenging to predict precisely how the market will respond, the previous halving events provide some context for potential implications. Here are some factors to consider.

Supply reduction

The most direct impact of Bitcoin halvings is a reduction in the rate at which new bitcoins are created. This reduction contributes to the overall scarcity of Bitcoin (the total supply of Bitcoin is 21 million coins). As demand for Bitcoin remains or increases, the reduced supply could potentially put upward pressure on the price and impact positively the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Market expectations

The crypto market often reacts to events based on expectations. If there is a widespread belief that the halving will lead to increased scarcity and potential price appreciation, this sentiment could influence market behavior before and after the event.

Mining economics

Miners play a crucial role in securing the network and validating transactions. The halving directly affects their revenue by cutting the block reward in half. Miners must adapt to the reduced income, which could influence mining operations and potentially impact the distribution of mining power.

Historical price trends

Historical data indicates that Bitcoin has experienced significant price volatility around the time of previous halving events. However, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, and market conditions can vary.

Macro economic factors

The broader economic environment, regulatory developments, and global financial trends can also influence the cryptocurrency market. Factors such as institutional adoption, regulatory clarity, and macroeconomic uncertainty may contribute to the overall market dynamics.

It's important to approach discussions about the implications of the next Bitcoin halving with caution. Crypto markets are highly complex and influenced by a multitude of factors. While the halving is a significant event, it is just one of many elements that can impact the value and dynamics of Bitcoin and the broader crypto market.

As always, individuals considering investments should conduct thorough research and consider their risk tolerance.


Bitcoin halving is a fundamental aspect of the cryptocurrency's design, with significant implications for its supply, scarcity, and market dynamics.

As the next halving approaches, it is expected to continue attracting attention and speculation within the cryptocurrency community and beyond. Understanding the mechanics and impact of Bitcoin halving is essential for anyone interested in the dynamics of the cryptocurrency market.

By exploring the concept of Bitcoin halving, its historical occurrences, and its implications, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of why Bitcoin halving has become a widely discussed topic in the realm of cryptocurrency.

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