In a recent internal AMA session on Telegram, BullPerks' CEO and Founder, Eran Elhanani shared updates on the upcoming IDOs, company news, and unveiled future plans.
In case you missed the live session, don't worry, we have a complete AMA recap below!
BullPerks Moderator:
Hello everyone and welcome to the BullPerks internal AMA session.
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
Hey guys. Thanks for joining us for AMA.
We will be starting some marketing campaigns and awareness next week together with our new referral program which we will be launching and offering people 7% for bringing others to stake and hold tiers with us.
We keep revamping the team and improving all departments to be at peak for the bull market
Also, we have signed/agreed on some key alliances and partnerships with some projects and companies which will be very beneficial for us in the long term. While you might not hear about it through announcements we keep building those relationships and never stop
All I can say is that I’m super excited about everything we have and working on and once we share, I’m sure you will as well.
We are facing a more competitive landscape, no doubt about it. Many new launchpads and some old dead ones are coming back to life but we are not worried cause we busted our asses during the bear market to build new products, pipelines, and partnerships so we can harvest when it’s bull time. And this is going to be our time and our year!
Now let’s open the chat for questions, feedback/suggestions, and comments
BullPerks Moderator:
Please respect our Founder and note that any questions irrelevant to the AMA will be deleted. In case of repeating irrelevant questions during the AMA, the users will be muted for a day on repeat offense. I will now be unmuting the channel momentarily.
Cazacu George:
To claim Sidus I must pay 50-60$ fees. Do you intend to airdrop the project from the ETH network, because the fees are very high?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
No, we built the claiming portal so we don’t need to do manual distributions.
Ingars Lacis:
When the roadmap for 2024 will be available, when listing on CEX, are you going to introduce higher tiers?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
All good questions. We have a lot in our plans but to be honest right now the main focus is locking a strong pipeline of projects for the next few months and doing many IDOs since the community is hungry for it and waited for it for a long time.
Regarding higher tiers, it’s been suggested and thought of. If we do then we might add a premium one on top but not going to change tier amounts so we don’t hurt the community. We will just take bigger tickets to be able to support that.
Crypto Varrior:
Hello Eran,
Hope you're fine and doing great.
My question is about 4 funding rounds in the past:
Crypto Citizen
We haven't received tokens, nor any news about their TGEs anymore.
Anytime I ask about it in those projects' socials, they either don't respond or kick me out and block me.
I raised the question a few times here in Bullperks TG also.
So what's the status of those funds?
Is it possible for Bullperks to check with those projects and update the community?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
We are in touch with 3 of the 4. One is not very responsive and we are trying with our legal team.
Regarding the other 3, we’re expecting them to launch either in Q1 or Q2 of 2024 and perform well and be worth the wait
Will you be changing tier structures if the price pumps too much in a bull market?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
For now, we are happy with the structure.
Is it possible for you can bring top gaming projects like Gunzilla and Ready games to BullPerks?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
We can try but can’t promise. Some of these top projects might end with Binance Launchpad OKX IEO and so on, or Coinlist. But if they launch in standard launchpads I can guarantee you we will fight for them.
Ingars Lacis:
The 20-30% of penalized tokens are burned or what happens with them?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
Yes, we collect them once in a while and then burn them.
Nino Yoda:
What is the future looking like regarding GamesPad and BullPerks? Will there always be the same deals?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
No, not always the same deals. The first few weeks we wanted to make sure to build pipelines but as we go further there will be some differences.
When will you share more details with the community on partnerships you guys have been building in bear?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
We will try to share what we can, but many of these deals/partnerships are private and confidential. You will notice them with time.
Any token buyback or burning plan in the future?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
Yes, there are plans but I don’t want to spoil the surprises and share everything too early.
Will there be a resumption of private sale deals if the bull market remains strong?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
Yes, but not regular deals that will launch on standard launchpads but rather ones going IEO/exchanges directly and unique ones.
Nice one! Are there any coming soon btw?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
We are on the hunt consistently!
Wow, this sounds interesting, this kind of deal is not easy to get.
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
Correct, if they are easy then we are not interested.
I was about to ask this question, many new launchpads are coming. So how BullPerks will face this competition?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
With a smile, not worried at all. We have a phrase that says: Those who are bothered and prepared on Friday will rest and eat on Saturday.
Well, we definitely worked on Friday so ready to eat.
What an answer. Very beautiful. Happy to be here with Bullperks.
Please bring top VC deals. I do not care refund policy. I trust you so much. We want to have VC deals like before the bull run.
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
Appreciate it and we might cancel it during the bull market but we don’t want any blind trust… always DYOR. We can make mistakes too. We are just human.
Please cancel it. If you can bring 20 IDOs in Quarter 1 we know you can also bring an additional 20 top VC deals in Quarter 1. I'm sure the loyal holders will be more happy with the VC deals.
Yoshio Sagata:
What's the point of having two launchpads? Why not launch all in the BullPerks?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
As I said, different projects sometimes want different reach and community.
One more question, you said everything is ready from the tech side to expand on eth and polygon or some other chains and you are waiting for market sentiments to be good. Now you don't think the perfect time for expanding on chains and CEX listing?
Eran Elhanani (BullPerks CEO & Founder):
We are looking into all of these as we speak. Don’t rush things. All will come in due time
Ok, thanks, everyone. Have to run to another AMA
BullPerks Moderator:
Thank you everyone for joining us today! Thank you Eran for your answers and for sharing great news!